"THIRD: I am I am sorry that a reader felt it necessary to label the March fiction as 'tres bad'. If it is literature she wants, she can find readily available such writers as Shake speare and Milton or such modern authors as D.H. Lawrence and Frank O'Connor...I think that most readers of THE LADDER are not in search of the 'strong unhappy ending', but rather, a story that leaves us with a feeling of bright hopefulne ss. As far as getting a pleasant 'lift' was concerned, I'd recommend 'What's In a Name? ' as tres good! Who wrote it?
"FOURTH: Concerning 'Lesbiana', let's consider a few things recalling its classical origin Sappho and the Isle of Lesbos the name 'Lesbian' should stand out as a badge of pride. Recalling further, that any tarnish the word has acquired comes only from those persons un-
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